Archive | December, 2013

Getting back to blogging!

19 Dec

I am so glad the year has finished with Kindy and yet so sad at the same time! I have loved so many aspects of my year with my 18 little darlings! But now I need some time to regroup, clean my poor house, spend time with my family and get back to blogging!

One of my favourite ideas we introduced was the well used and loved ‘pet to take home’ idea! When I was in Sydney I found a lovely Gromit plush toy and he quickly became the class darling! He was loved, washed, loved some more and there have even been tears when it is time for a child to bring him back to class! Over a huge discussion it was decided that he would HAVE to go to Pre Primary so that everyone could see him next year!

Here he is in our  apartment in Melbourne! I have a lovely, long suffering husband who  was very kind about our extra traveler! Actually if the truth be known he was stuffed in my day bag as we walked around Melbourne and shopped and it was my husband that reminded me to bring him  out for photos! What a pair we must have looked, sitting Gromit on the big purse in Central Melbourne! The things you do when you are a teacher! Lucky my husband is a principal and has seen everything!