Tag Archives: eileen browne

Children’s book reviews

9 Jul

I thought I would add some children’s book reviews I have been privileged to write for The Book Chook  http://www.thebookchook.com/

This one is my most recent review.

1. Home in the Cave by Janet Halfmann


I loved the opportunity to write this review as I was able to chat to the author!(via email)

2.  Wanted: The Perfect Pet by Fiona Roberton  http://www.thebookchook.com/2012/04/childrens-book-review-wantedthe-perfect.html

3. Handa’s Surprise by Eileen Browne  http://www.thebookchook.com/2011/12/childrens-book-review-handas-surprise.html

To say that I have become totally addicted to children’s literature is an understatement! As I am with young children all week I delight in finding new, fun and engaging books for children to enjoy. The advent of affordable online companies such as Fishpond.com and The Book Depository have made it possible for my addiction to grow and grow!! I have a study filled with books and as I share them with children I am always delighted with their response! I know this is the digital age and our classrooms and teaching methods as always absolutely need to adapt and engage children in an ever changing world, but I believe books will always remain! In my humble opinion when you sit with children and bring them into that magical world of the story there is nothing quite like it!

I am hoping for more opportunities to write reviews. I will keep you posted!