Aboriginal teaching activities and teaching resources

1 Apr

I have been thinking a lot lately about how we as teachers need to deliver authentic and quality lessons around truly understanding Indigenous ways of living that has real meaning and not just an add on or tacked on lesson with no substance! Easy to preach hard to do!

When I looked  over my blog stats I found there was an overwhelming amount of interest in how we do this! People are asking the questions I am asking all over the world!

I found this site today and started looking at the resources in depth.They look good!



Aboriginal Dreamtime Stories Unit of Lesson Plans – Year 3 and 4

Sadly some have been removed but there are a lot that have some excellent content.

<iframe width=”640″ height=”480″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/OdhfhCn5HQs&#8221; frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen>


Helping big Indigenous kids read

Helping little Indigenous Kids read


This is a must,painful to read,but a must!

Bringing them home


boys fishing

boys playing football

a woman being handed an award

people walking across a bridge

Aboriginal/Indigenous stories for children

23 Oct

I thought I would put together a list of some wonderful Aboriginal/Indigenous stories. I love these books!


big rain coming 2











Some teaching resource links

Click to access big_rain.pdf

Click to access BigRainComing.pdf



Big Rain Coming by Katrina Germein – An Integrated Maths and Science Lesson for 1/2



Click to access lbbclookseelookatme_learningtime.pdf














Click to access bush-holiday-teach-notes.pdf

http://www.leonienorrington.com/bushholiday (Author’s website)















I have this book on another post! Just check out the illustrations!









Irene 2-3

Children’s books – lesson ideas – resources 2

23 Oct

I have just realized that I have created a post like this about a year ago! Well I guess I can keep going as over the years I have added more ‘favorite’ stories to my collection!

My small collection!













1. Are we there yet ? (Alison Lester)

are we there yet










Most of the ones I found were for primary children:

Click to access Teaching%20Notes.pdf

http://teacherfeatures.com.au/lesson_plans_and_activities_for_picture_books_novels_and_graphic_novels (this link has so many wonderful teacher support notes for many books!)

Click to access nyrjourneysaroundaustralia-litunit.pdf

http://www.kids-bookreview.com/2009/08/teachers-notes-z-book-titles.html (this is another one with lots of notes for lots of books)

Click to access AreWeThereYet.pdf


2. A squash and a squeeze (Julia Donaldson)













http://www.sharemylesson.com/teaching-resource/a-squash-and-a-squeeze-teaching-resources-6109851/ (TES is free to join and the lessons have been created by teachers and for teachers! )


http://youtu.be/-tI0bQ-A-H0 ( youtube song clip)

https://www.pinterest.com/clarkyfreak/literacy/ (Printable word labels for the story)


3. Big Rain coming (Katrina Germein)

big rain coming 2










Click to access big_rain.pdf

Click to access BigRainComing.pdf



Big Rain Coming by Katrina Germein – An Integrated Maths and Science Lesson for 1/2

I will keep going over the next few weeks putting up more stories and resources.


Narnia activities: Year 3

21 Oct

When I was covering for a teacher in Year 3 for 5 weeks I really wanted to see if the children were into Narnia (written by C.S.Lewis). When I was a young child my mother read the whole series to me and when I was in Year 7 the best part of the day for me was when the teacher pulled out the big Narnia book, turned to the page we were up to and started to read! I loved it. As a mother I read all the stories to my two boys and grew that love of all things Narnia in them as well. I was chatting to my son the other day over coffee and he remarked that he felt that there was no better way to introduce God and what Jesus has done for us on the cross! I agreed! It is so true because as the story develops with Lucy meeting Aslan your heart instinctively knows this has to be God! If you are a Christian it strikes a chord in your heart!
In the class we started with The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and I covered the walls with posters from the scenes found in the movies.

This is the book I read from and I used a few other books as well




































I searched the internet and found some wonderful activities that some kind people had shared and put together a booklet for each child to keep. They were so pleased! The favourite page was the one where they were asked to create their own map of an imaginary world! This was the front cover.










This was a punctuation page!










This was the favourite page ‘Create your own imaginary world, with symbols on your map!’










I also found a game which I laminated and this was hugely popular! It was in this book.












When we had time in class we watched the whole of The lion the Witch and the Wardrobe as well as The Voyage of the Dawn Treader!



Where is the Green Sheep? Classroom Pet!

21 Oct

This year  in a Kindy class I read the story of the Green sheep to the children. And then I had a mad idea! I was going to be in the class for 5 weeks as the teacher was on going on long service leave and travelling in Europe so we hatched a plan! I have 2 soft plush toy Green sheep so she took one with her and I kept one here in Perth!

I read the story and we talked about all the usual things like text going left to right/where we start reading and then as you do we went on to rhyme and repetition and sequence and so on and so on. Then I took the little green sheep out of a bag and introduced him to the class. They all had a hold and we placed him where everyone could see him. Then the plan went into action! Over the weekend the teacher, who was travelling, sent photos of the green sheep in London. I hid our green sheep away. So come Monday morning the children started looking for the green sheep and I showed them a photo of the green sheep in London!


You should have seen there faces! What! How did he get there so fast? Did he fly? Did he grow wings? What? How did that happen?

I had to have my wits about me as we had one group who came on a Monday and Tuesday and one group who came on a Thursday and Friday! It was tricky to say the least!

The next time the children came there was the green sheep back in Kindy! And so we kept going with our sneaky plan!

Off the green sheep went to Paris and was seen having fun in Disneyland!


And of course when one goes to Paris one must visit the Eiffel Tower!


The teacher returned to Perth although her long service had not finished so on our big pin up board of all the green sheep’s travels we had photos of him landing in Perth and  from then on he stayed in the classroom! Although he did sneak out one weekend and visited my house!

He is so tricky!

The children were very surprised the green sheep was so strong!


I shared his secret to his strength! Weight lifting!


The green sheep did so enjoy meeting Humpty and Miffy!


Nothing like a good game of chess!


Green sheep was very excited to see that he was famous! He didn’t know!


I found these resources and used them with the children. The great thing about the resources is that there was one for every child to come and place on the whiteboard! They are a set of pictures of the green sheep for each page of the story. You know the near and far sheep/ the train sheep etc etc!


Aboriginal activities: Primary children : Musica Viva :

20 Oct

I have to say this Musica Viva production incursion we had at our school was one of the best I have seen!



Gromit: Take home pet: Kindy

20 Oct

In 2013 I covered a Maternity Kindy Relief position. I was on the lookout for a take home pet for the class. When I was in Sydney the previous year I went to the Power Museum and I found a Gromit toy in the Museum shop! So of course Gromit’s adventures had to begin! Much to my adult son’s horror Gromit was included in many of our photos! I think he thought I was barking mad!

So Gromit was introduced to the class. Many of the children knew him already from the DVD’s. I said of course Gromit was a movie star!! I never fail to be amazed at children’s imagination. From day one Gromit was part of the class!

Gromit needed his own backpack. I attached a London Key ring, as of course he traveled  quite extensively! I also attached some Paris Disney tickets and a Melbourne Tram key ring!













He went to Melbourne with my husband and I in the school holidays and had lots of fun at my house and of course he sometimes stayed at Kindy and played while everyone was at home!

































My son just about disowned me when I took Gromit out of  the bag and strapped him into a nearby seat on our plane flight home!









This was awkward as there were so many people watching me take this photograph! The things you do!










Gromit was known to be quite an avid reader!

Gromit playing in Kindy when the children had gone home!


















Gromit at my house trying to beat my husband at chess!










Here are some of the children’s beautiful drawings and writing about Gromit’s adventures at their homes!




































Mouse Shapes

16 Oct

mouse shapes book cover







I absolutely love this book! I am also delighted that Kindy children love this book! I have found it doesn’t always work out that way! Recently I was in a Kindy for a long service leave relief position and we were looking at shapes! What a great fun book to use! I am always searching for only creative projects that children can do themselves so that no one picture ever looks the same!

Don’t you just love these! The first one is my all time favourite!























I thought I would add some amazing links! People are so clever!




Have fun with this! We did!



Math games: Dualoh!

16 Oct

I am so delighted to have discovered these amazing math game cards created by Richard Korborsky.

The weeks I was in the Year 3 class were amazing and I started thinking about different ways I could differentiate with the diverse range of abilities in the classroom. The cards and also the Dualoh app were a God send!








They are priced at $7.50. I decided to laminate them so that I can keep them forever!

This is the link with all the information: http://nie.thewest.com.au/resources/maths/dualoh-card-games


♦ Subitising (numbers 1-12)
♦ Multiplication (2-5 times tables)
♦ Whole Numbers (20-110)
♦ Fractions (diagrams, symbols, equivalence)

I purchased multiple packs!

I noticed that there were a group of children who just needed a little support so I organized them at desks and went around the room just checking if they were on track. Then I had some mat time on the floor for the children who were struggling with the basic skills and just needed time. They would sit for a while, try out the math and then say, “Ok, I am good now!”. There were a group of boys who were firing ahead so I set them different tasks. They worked their way through their math book, marked it and moved onto the Dualoh cards. As they progressed I purchased the Dualoh app for my ipad.

dualoh app 2







dualoh app








This was a big hit! When the other children had completed their math they too moved onto the cards and then the  ipad which was in great demand! It was a great purchase! I also used Richards Game boards and they too, became a big hit! Math sorted Yay!












Oh I nearly forgot! the school also purchased a  Back to Front Year 4 pack for my keen gun boys! The resources are great and I love the way the focus is on problem solving. There are  excellent online videos for teachers


Before I took over from the teacher, the school had arranged for Professor Maths to come out and run their workshops. This too was a wonderful, fun and hands on activity.


professor maths



Year 3 History : World War 1 project

14 Oct

Finally, some time to get back to blogging! How I have missed it! I have had the most amazing time with  a Year 3 class. The teacher went on long service leave and we agreed I would plan for the History project. There were 16 boys and 9 girls!  I started researching  The Australian War Memorial  and found to my delight there were memorial boxes you can borrow and use in a class. So off my son and I went in the pouring rain down to Fremantle and as the box weighed 20 kilos my son kindly lifted it into my car! You can have it delivered, I just wanted to make sure it arrived when I needed it! http://www.awm.gov.au/education/schools/memorial-boxes/01-australia-in-the-first-world-war/



This is the box the resources came in. There were two files of photos and posters, clothing and war artifacts.

The children were able to try on the coat and they were really touched when they saw some rough sewing on the shoulder of the jacket where someone had tried to repair a hole.


The children were bothered and quite disturbed about the fact that  at the time the helmets were not bullet proof only shrapnel proof.


There was a fascinating tray of original artifacts from the War.










We started with a KWL chart for everyone and a class discussion.


The children found it amazing that so many of their class friends had great grandparents who served in the War. It was an amazing time sharing stories.


The Australian War memorial site also has a PDF of resources to compliment the Memorial box. These pages displayed were for the children to identify an object, find out about the way it was used and to draw a picture of the item. http://www.awm.gov.au/education/box/casestudy/whatisit_prim.pdf












The resource came with gloves for each child to wear as the items were of course old and precious. It was a good learning opportunity for the children to become aware of how important artifacts need to be preserved












I had a mad idea! I wanted to somehow find a way to give the children an opportunity to experience something of the difficulties of living in trenches and going without food! A nigh on impossible task! So I took them outside and they had a pencil, paper and something to lean on. We found a warm but shaded area and I asked them to squash up next to each other and pretend they were in the trenches trying to write a letter to their families. Some of the letters were quite moving. I also set up the room like trenches, well sort of, while they were at sport. I had purchased some unleavened bread and when they came in, I asked them to again squash all together in our ‘trench’ I gave them the dry unleavened bread! They were not impressed and much grumbling and complaining ensued but the point was made!












I was delighted to find out the a team of people come out from Bunnings and run workshops with the children. So our lovely lady Helen came out with rosemary bushes, soil improver, gloves and trowels and the children planted the bushes and we said a prayer for all the families who had lost loved ones in the war

Some of the children’s final projects